Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4th Edition Suckas

Tony: You just incapacitate your opponent and then you win.
Todd: What game are you playing?
Tony: Scrabble.
Todd: ...
Travis: You should see him do a crossword. It's vicious.


Eli: We've heard tales of devils, demons, and giants in these mountains. Can you direct us to them?


Tony: This ability says I hit with a preternatural reserve. So you're all preganant.
Travis: I don't think that's what that word means!
Tony: No, I impregnated the entire party.
Farone: I don't think the Paladin understands how pregnancy works.


Tony: I'm using my righteous blow.
Farone: Whoa!
Travis: Like "Peruvian Marching Powder"?
Eli: Like, you're going to blow them?
Farone: That was so not what I was thinking
Eli: What? That would be awesome! The paladin and a stone giant...
Farone: There's a big gap in what you and I consider awesome.


Farone: What if someone lifts me up like five feet? Who's the tallest? The ranger? Let me look, she's...5' 3". You're only 5' 3"?
Kim: I'm only 5' 3", but I have really long arms.
Eli: What are you like Patrick Ewing over there?


Farone: I don't know what that is, but I know it's not a penis.


Tony: Do I add this to my meter of love here?


Travis: This guy's got a 34 AC. I'm just saying.
Eli: Use abilities that don't hit AC. Does anybody have attacks that don't hit AC?
Travis: Well, Mike's got a bunch of abilities that don't hit...


Eli: We're coming back for you. Barion Harkle never leaves a man behind!
Tony: What did you just say? You'll never leave a man's behind?


Kim: What are you doing way back there?
Tom: I went way ahead of you. I'm very fast.
Todd: And by "very fast" he means, "I'm a coward".
Eli: And by "coward" he means, "elf".


Tony: Wow. First the dildos and now this...


Eli: I think Tony should fight with his thing.
Everyone: ...
Farone: I don't know what kind of fight you think this is...


Eli: We seek the phylactery of Lich Thomas!
Travis: Then you might as well have set your sights on the sun! For you will never find it!
Todd: Why?
Travis: It is guarded by the most foul beast in the land!
Farone: The elf? No, he's with us.


Travis: You can't just grab the disk it weighs like 60 lbs.
Farone: Put it in the bag of holding that's full of heads.
Eli: It won't fit.
Farone: Why not?
Eli: The bag only opens to like...head size.


Farone: If we call the disk a head long enough we can get the bag to accept it.
Travis: I don't think magic works like that.
Farone: As a practitioner of magic, it does.
Todd: By definition, magic works magically.


Farone: So let me get this straight: You're not afraid of the dracolich, but you are afraid of a dark elf.
Eli: Yes.
Farone: Well. Ok, then.


Eli: We'll do this the old fashioned way. Send the elf out!
Todd: I thought the old fashioned way was "kill everything".
Eli: It's ok, we'll light the elf on fire first.
Farone: I like this plan. I always agree with a "light the elf on fire" plan.


Travis: There's a stream of undead coming towards you.
Kim: How undead are they?


Eidson: I told you the dracolich was in here.
Todd: This room's not big enough for a dracolich.
Eidson: Dracoliches can turn into a single bone and fit anywhere.
Todd: Ok, the elf doesn't know anything about dracoliches.
Eidson: I rolled a 20 on my perception!
Travis: You perceive that you don't know anything about dracoliches. With great clarity, in fact.


Tony: I see you still have Barion Harkel.
Farone: Unfortunately.


Tony: Dragon's hatch.
Farone: They don't.
Tony: They do!
Farone: No, they erupt into the world.


Eidson: I'm running away and shooting the thing following me.
Eli: Yeah, don't help the cleric.
Eidson: Oh, does someone need help? I can run away further.


Eidson: I wish I had abilities to stop things moving.
Travis: Dead things stop moving.
Todd: You'd think that but this giant battle against zombies would tend to prove otherwise.


Farone: I do +10 for uh...+4 for the, um, well, +1 for being bloodied and 4 for the aura and 2 for that thing you cast and 2 for my bonus, and then +1 for uh...something.


Tony: I have 50 platinum! Woo-hoo!
Travis: that's probably wrong.
Tony: Wait, a platinum is 100 gold, right?
Travis: Yeah, but...
Tony: Woo-hoo!


Travis: You see a shadowy Tiefling begin to cast-
Eli: None of us can see that.
Todd: Kim's blind...
Eli: I'm behind a shadowy wall of darkness...
Todd: And I'm in another room. For that matter he can't see us.
Eli: Yeah, what the heck is he doing?
Todd: I swear to God, he's casting magic missile at the darkness...


Kim: Maybe these guys are friendly.
Eli: Has anything in this place been friendly so far?
Travis: That's because you guys always have initiative. You attack everything first!
Eli: Well that's because we're not friendly!


Eli: I'm gonna move here and subdue this guy.
Travis: With what?
Eli: My fists!


Eli: He's unconscious so I'm gonna hit him again and make sure he's knocked out.


Travis: It's a village and everyone is mutated and horribly deformed. They're wandering around and you hear a voice from inside a tent talking about how great Pandemonium is.
Eli: Pandemonium?
Travis: It's like chaos.
Todd: So it's a village full of crazies?
Travis: Yes.
Todd: Is there a pommel horse in the middle of town?


Todd: He just said we're inside a pyramid, so now we know that for sure.
Travis: You always knew you were in a pyramid.
Eli: I thought we were in a castle.
Todd: Me too.
Travis: It's a crystal pyramid.
Eli: I thought it was a crystal castle.
Todd: Me too.
Kim: I thought we were in a cave.
Travis: Huh. Well you are a half-orc. Their word for "inside" is "cave" so I guess that makes sense.


Eli: I have a rocket launcher.
Travis: He does, but there are no rockets in this world.
Eli: It shoots bears.


Eli: We're going to an evil church?
Farone: They pass around a plate with money and you take some.


Travis: Tony, that guy hits you with a bolt of darkness for 13 points of damage.
Tony: Wow. I...uh...take it. I guess.


Kim: I do like your shinys.


Travis: Kim you're up. What are you going to do?
Kim: I'm gonna kick your a**...hey, where'd you go?


Travis: You don't see anything at the bottom of the pit. You don't see any spikes. You don't see any invisible monsters...


Eli: I roll to hit...18.
Travis: Miss. Hit. No, miss.
Eli: Uh...
Travis: You're grappled so you're at a minus 2.
Eli: So, 16?
Travis: Your minus to hit is the same as his defensive minus doesn't actually help you.
Eli: So did I hit?
Eli: Are you sure?
Travis: No.


Travis: You're grappled so you're plus 6 to hit for them.
Eli: I'm so sick of your lies!


Eidson: That was a 20! Crit!
Travis: What ability are you using?
Eidson: My twin strike.
Travis: No, the correct answer was: Something that does a lot of damage.


Travis: Let me see your character sheet...why do all your abilities allow you to run away?


Eli: The room that's knee deep in water has pipes underneath it.
Travis: A series of pipes.
Todd: Is that like a series of tubes?
Eli: The internet is under the floor of this room!
Farone: That would explain why everything in here moves so slow.


Travis: It's guarded by Unseen Forces that you....can not see!


Travis: You can't tell if you're shrinking or if the world is growing bigger! But you're sure you're shrinking.


Eli: Where are you from?
NPC: Um...Dwarfland!
Todd: He's legit. I've heard of Dwarfland.


Eli: What's your name?
NPC: Um...Hammersmith.
Farone: From Dwarfland.
Eli: Tell me where you're really from.
NPC: Undermountain.
Eli: Hammersmith? From Undermountain? In Dwarfland?
Farone: I'm melting his face with an acid orb. There. Now your name is Dwarf Liartongue!
Kim: Um...the sorcerer is yelling at the corpse.


Travis: There's a steel curtain.
Eli: How are we going to get through this Pittsburgh defense?
Kim: They're gonna open it. There's a sale.


Travis: You find a corpse with the dark, chitinous look of an Umber Hulk.
Todd: Is it an umber hulk?
Travis: It is!


Tony: What are these guys?
Todd: They're orcs. We're not attacking them. Yet.


Travis: Kim should
Todd: Won't she provoke an attack of opportunity?
Travis: Yeah, but she has talents to protect against that. Watch this. (Moves kim, rolls attack) Oh, oops. I hit her.


Eli: This is not the way the Barion Harkel Five does things!
Travis: Oh, attacking from behind is definitely the Barion Harkel way to do things.


Farone: YOU wanted to follow the elf, and you KNOW that's not what we do! If anything we get his advice and do the opposite.


Travis: They have Tyrannosaurus Sex arms.
Eli: Oh, I don't want to mess with them!
Travis: You know I meant Rex, right? Tyrannosaurus Rex arms.
Farone: It's Ok, just don't get grappled.


Eli: All right, fine, attack them. We won't look for a back entrance, we'll attack.
Todd: I can't believe we had to talk the warlord into attacking something.


Travis: Todd, take 8 necrotic damage, and you're at -2 to your will saves til the end of the encounter.
Kim: You're mean.


Travis: You're dazed.
Farone: What? Who dazed me?
Travis (pointing): That guy.
Farone: He's not even in range!
Travis: Yeah. He is.
Farone: Oh. Great. Guess who I'm cursing next turn.


Farone: We should capture these guys in some kind of non-porous material...
Tony: Like honey?
Farone: Um...that's exactly what I was thinking.


(Travis looks through the rules for an inordinate amount of time, mumbling)
Travis: Ok...that, and then...ok, D4. A D4.
Todd: All that for a D4?
Travis (rolls): Elf...take 5 points of damage.
Todd: And then you somehow rolled a 5.


Farone: Those guys are minions so you kill them in one hit.
Tony: Oh really?
Farone: Unless I'm wrong in which case you're dead.


Farone: That's a farmer who was ensorceled.
Todd: We desorceled him.


Tony: No, no. Keep reading your dialog good citizen.


Travis: You should introduce yourselves.
Farone: Why hello there-
Travis: Go away!


Eli: One of the kobolds had a necklace of Orcus.
Travis: That wouldn't surprise me.
Farone: What WOULD surprise you?


Eli: Isn't that guy a wizard?
Farone: He's a historian.
Todd: A level 4 historian?
Farone: He has the power of history.


Travis: What's your reflex save?
Eli: Nine...
Travis: Then he hits.


Eli: It's my new daily power. Summon undeadless town.


Travis: This guy took 25 points of damage.
Tony: I use my power to take that damage for him.
Farone: No, that's a bad guy!
Eli: We WANT him to take that damage!
Farone: Tony wasn't paying attention.
Eli: I like how he hears something went wrong and just assumes it's us though.


Farone: (To Tony) You're making a bed out of dead orcs.
Travis: You are the most disgusting paladin.
Tony: I didn't say anything! I just asked where we were making camp!


Travis: The paladin wants to know if laying on hands on himself is a full round action.
Tony: I don't know, but it is an "at-will" power.


(Eli is conversing with the orcs in Giant language)
Todd: I don't understand any of this.
Tony: It's ok it's all subtitled.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Travis Wednesday Night Goodness

Eli: I'm a friendly thief. Eli the Good!
Farone: My village was destroyed by...uh...
Todd: Sharks?
Farone: Half-orc, half-sharks!
Eli: Shorks!
Farone: Every four levels you get a new alignment.
Eli: Can I speak to the dead?
Travis: No. I take that back. Yes, but they won't respond.
Farone: My parents were in the porn industry. Live porn. They traveled from town to town putting on live porn shows.
Travis: What's your bluff skill?
Farone: Do I really have to tell you or can I bluff?
Farone: Does a grappling hook give you a bonus to grappling?
Travis: No. But tentacles do.
Todd & Farone: How much are tentacles?
Travis: You can't buy tentacles.
Farone: What if I buy a tent and some manacles and combine them?
Janessa: What is the plot, other than people getting drunk at mini-bars?
Farone: She heard that conversation right?
Travis: No, they were in the back.
Eli: We were in the back?
Janessa: They were?
Travis: (To Eli) By the way, you were in the back.
Janessa: I believe these are your papers.
Eli: Thank you.
Janessa: I didn't say I was giving them to you!
Travis: The guy who was supposed to be keeping watch is gone...
Eli: Uh...
Todd: I was run off by the door man.
Travis: If by “run off” you mean “given directions to a bar”.
Todd: That's what I meant.
Janessa: We can stay at a nice hotel.
Todd: Wait, she has money?
Farone: I have a new plan.
Farone: She doesn't have lots of money!
Travis: She does.
Janessa: I do.
Farone: Man, I want lots of money. I wish I had a vagina.
Eli: We need to go get my friends.
Janessa: Oh. You have friends?
Janessa: The wolf and I are one.
Eli: I believe this job could use someone of your...collective talents.
Farone: How exactly does this caper involve a wolf lady?
Farone: I never got paid!
Travis: You got paid.
Farone: Then how come I don't have any money?
Travis: You drink.
Farone: I don't drink! Oh wait...yes I do.
Janessa: Do I get stabbed now?
Travis: Do you want to get stabbed?
Farone: Wait, did you take the paranoia feat?
Janessa: He’s over here gallivanting around town…
Farone: Hey! I don’t gallivant.
Janessa: I’m just saying, realistically, even back then, dudes would give in to chicks.
Eli: I’m not doing the tracking.
Travis: You’re letting the dog do it.
Eli: I’m thinking, dogs smell better than people.
Farone: Only if you wash them.
Travis: What name did you give the guards when you crossed the bridge?
Eli: Um…
Janessa: Why does Travis have Flash cards?
Farone: Those are his notes.
Eli: He’s like James Lipton.
Farone: Or Alex Trebek. Like we’re on Jeopardy.
Todd: I’ll take lies we told the guards for 200, Alex.
Travis: I’m just wondering…how does someone track by scent something that left a burned down building.
Janessa: Blood hounds can. I was watching a special about those dogs that track dead people…
Farone: Whatever she says next, none of us are going to be able to dispute this.
Eli: How much do you trust me?
Janessa: That is an awesome question!
Eli: Are there any tables in the back?
Travis: Of course. One of them’s shrouded in darkness, and the others are…near it.
Eli: You two go in the back and make out or something.
Janessa: He’s an orc!
Eli: Yeah. That’s what you half-breeds do.
Janessa: I’m a human!
Eli: Oh yeah! You lazy orc! Stay away from our women folk!
Janessa: (After killing an NPC) Yay! Who’s useful now!
Todd: These guys are the worst assassins ever. They bust in all ninja-like then they’re like, “Oh, sh*t, they have a dog!”
Farone: He’s the one we’re gonna kick out. He’s human. He stinks.
Janessa: Hey, I’m a human!
Farone: Yeah, but you’re clean.
Eli: She’s a race betrayer!
Travis: If by “race betrayer” you mean “bather”, then yes.
Eli: There’s a dead guy with an arrow we don’t recognize, another dead guy out the window on the street…
Farone: Man, this is a rough neighborhood, even the assassins aren’t safe.
Dave: Did you get healed?
Janessa: I rested so I got all my hit points back.
Dave: That’s not how it works.
Janessa: What?!? How many do I get?
Dave: 1.
Janessa: Dude, these cots suck!
Farone: (To Dave) Is this guy somebody, or is it just you?
Janessa: Here.
Travis: It’s a calculator…
Janessa: Yeah, in case you get lazy doing my xp again.
Janessa: What?!? What’s wrong with offering a little helpful…utensil?
Travis: It’s a good thing your husband’s not a native English speaker, or he’d have had a hernia by now.
Janessa: Dude! He’s had hernias.
Eli: I’m investigating dammit! I’m an investigator.
Travis: (Pointing at Dave) HE’s the investigator.
Eli: No! I took it as a skill! No. Wait. No I didn’t.
Dave: He’s just delusional.
Travis: But he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Travis: (Reading his own notes) Bronco IS his real name. Holy Sh*t. I named a guy Bronco? What an a**hole.
Eli: Let’s cut off a finger. No! A toe! Let’s take a toe! This guy tried to kill me. We’re cutting off a finger or a toe!
Travis: How much are they paying you? I’ll pay more.
Eli: Er…how much?
Travis: His name is Kogoth. And by the way, none of you are going to recognize that name.
Janessa: I roll just in case.
(After the interrogation victim has a finger bitten off by the dog and passes out)
Dave: Ok, that’s it. The interrogation is over.
Todd: What are you talking about? When he wakes up and we show him his own finger and tell him he’s only got 9 mistakes left…
Janessa: That is awesome!
Dave: Am I in an evil party? Is everyone evil but me?
Janessa: What, he has good ideas!
Eli: All I know is we’re gonna break him.
Travis: Is he a prisoner or a thrall?
Janessa: Thrall sounds good.
Eli: Can you summon bees? Cause that would be awesome.
Todd: We can just cover him with honey.
Dave: You know, bees aren’t attracted to honey…
Eli: No, but bears are! That’s even better!
Travis: What kind of armor do you have?
Janessa: Hide +1.
Farone: Isn’t that a skill?
Janessa: Wait, this is an Elven city! How do they not have magic shops?
Travis: This is a human city.
Janessa: Oh well. Lesser beings aren’t that smart, I guess…
Travis: You’re a human.
Janessa: What?! Oh yeah. I thought I was a fricken elf!
(Travis hands the party a map)
Farone: Uh…is there a translation for this somewhere?
Travis: My handwriting’s not that bad.
Farone: Does this say “Fish-lick bank”?
Travis: (Snatches map away) Give me that!
Travis: That does say Fish-Lick Bank.
Janessa: I’m spending Eli’s money.
Eli: Where did you get my money?
Janessa: Um…while you were asleep?
Todd: I hope you don’t think you’ve been robbing us. We started out broke and poor. None of us had vaginas.
Janessa: Dude, don’t you take notes?
Todd: Don’t grouch at the DM.
Janessa: Why not?
Todd: Cause then he won’t be nice to us.
Janessa: So? Fine. Travis, you’re awesome. Learn to take notes.
Janessa: I like tiny things!
Eli: I have a plan. The druid’s parents are rich. We’ll kidnap the druid.
Janessa: *Pretend* to kidnap me.
Todd: This is a good idea.
Janessa: We can mail them that finger we took off the dude!
Dave: A man’s finger?
Janessa: Hey! We can put lotion on it!
Todd: He can bartend, we’ll just take the money up front.
Eli: No one’s going to trust you. You’re an orc.
Todd: Well, then, you can take the money up front.
Eli: I’m a thief. No one’s going to trust me.
Janessa: They would if you’d take off those thiefy clothes and put on something else.
Travis: You guys have terrible ideas.
Farone: What are you talking about? I haven’t had any ideas. And they’ve all been good.
Farone: You burned down the Assassin Inn.
Todd: Yeah. I did.
Travis: That’s a terrible name for an Inn.
Farone: It really is.
Travis: The Assassin Inn…free continental breakfast!
Farone: If you survive the night!
Travis: You get a good look at the guy.
Eli: Good.
Travis: It’s not the guy you’re thinking of.
Eli: It’s not?
Travis: If you’re thinking of the guy I think you’re thinking of, it’s not the guy you’re thinking of.
Janessa: I’m rolling the dice to see if I have a disease. If it’s a low number I have a disease.
Janessa: Ok, I have a disease.
Dave: She wrote her disease down on her character sheet under “Gear”.
Travis: You don’t know it but you’re a carrier for a queen xenomorph.
Janessa: What?!? What the hell is that?
Travis: It’s from Aliens.
Janessa: No Way! What!? What the hell?!
Farone: Someday an alien is gonna pop out of your chest.
Janessa: Um…ok, that sounds cool!
Farone: You wanna glass of water?
Janessa: Holy water?
Farone: Uh…sure. It just tastes a lot like bourbon.
Travis: You puked at Farone. He dodged.
Farone: I deflect it back at her.
Janessa: No! That’s not attractive!
Dave: Your horse was stolen?
Janessa: No!
Dave: It says on your character sheet it was spirited away.
Janessa:That’s it’s name!
Travis: Time to play our favorite game: “What happened last week?”
Farone: I wasn’t here last week.
Toad: Yeah, me neither.
Travis: All right, uh, time to play our second favorite game: “What happened two weeks ago?”
Janessa: B*tch. Take notes.
Eli: We have to stop these guys!
Dave: Are you developing a conscience?
Eli: They tried to kill me! I want revenge!
Travis: It’s not so much a conscience as a list.
Farone: Wanna join my cult?
Janessa: Sure.
Dave: It takes like months to change deities…
Farone: No, read this pamphlet and give me 20 silver.
Janessa: Ok.
Farone: You’re in. By the way her 20 silver just covered my printing expenses.
Dave: There’s a 20 sided die under the table, by your chair.
Farone: Let’s see if he’s right…
Toad: He’s like a prophet.
Janessa: Your cult could use a prophet.
Farone: Oh, I’m trying to make a profit.
Janessa: I’m not there, but I say we let them raise their army of the dead so we can kill them all and get tons of XP.
Travis: You have your bishop. What’s your next move?
Farone: Diagonally, of course.
Travis: I…I can’t argue with that.
Travis: Every shape changer has a tell that could give them away. What’s yours?
Eli: He has a tail!
Travis: He doesn’t even have a tail when he’s the orc!
Eli: That’s what makes it so odd…
Farone: You wanna join the cult of CL?
Toad: I’m an orc. He’s an elven deity.
Farone: Well, we don’t emphasize that part. Ooh, I should add that to the pamphlet.
Travis: Why are you in town?
Farone: Passing through with some friends.
Travis: I told you before not to try my patience.
Farone: Ok.
Travis: Why are you in town.
Farone: I said, I’m passing through with some friends.
Travis: I want you to tell the truth.
Farone: That is the truth!
Travis: That’s part of the truth.
Farone: What’s the whole truth?
Travis: He doesn’t know, he’s not a mind reader!
Farone: Me neither! I don’t know why I’m in town!
Farone: Can you two share the wolf as an animal companion?
Eli: Is this some kind of bargain basement D&D campaign? You’re sharing animal companions now?
Travis: Dave gets it on the weekends.
Todd: And the druid gets it on all the Dru-ish holidays.
Dave: I was on a quest to save my people from the elves.
Farone: Elves?
Dave: Yeah, they enslaved my people.
Farone: You know, my deity had nothing to do with that.
Travis: Your character’s going shopping. Give me a list.
Janessa: Yay! This is the best D&D ever. Making a shopping list.
Farone: I’m sorry, but a woman shopping is not roleplaying.
Janessa: I’m gonna put my extra point in strength so I can have an extra…thing.
Janessa: Oh, great. You’re a useful GM. You knew ONE number. Thanks.
Janessa: I’m taking burrowing. The Travis version. AKA cheating.
Farone: I want this spell. When I die, I explode, damaging everything around me for my level in d8 damage and can’t be resurrected.
Travis: It’s like every morning he has a bowl of porridge and a glass of nitroglycerine.
Farone: Uh…actually this spell doesn’t have material components.
(Janessa is looking at a picture of a dog in the player’s handbook)
Janessa: Look at this thing. It’s awesome. It’s eyes are filled with murder…